Career Services for busy Schools
Pounse HUB is a career services platform for schools.
Launch student careers & engage hiring partners with a private, authentic, talent marketplace.
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HUB is a safe, noise free space to foster connections

Unlike an open talent pool like LinkedIn, students and invited partners and even alumni in HUB can find eachother without the noise, spam, scams and competing talent. A space for collaboration, for story telling and for genuine connections that is easily configured, branded and hosted by a school.

Hub is a noise free space that allows your students and partners to find eachother, engage and connect.

Automate the tactical / Focus on the strategic


Invite students to create profiles using a free career profile builder that is guided and dynamic.


Invite partners to participate with a profile and job postings. Even if partners aren't part of Pounse, you can still showcase talent to them directly.

Gigs, Jobs, Projects

Partners  create jobs, gigs, internships, projects - anything. Track coop students together with schools and make it seamless from classroom to work.


Connections are 5 times more efficient than a job board, resume, application because you're cutting out time heavy tasks.

Controlled Environment

The best part of HUB is the ability to control and configure everything from brand, to visibility to access.


Share specific talent with employers, even ones not on Pounse, in custom presentations that take seconds to build.


Invite your Alumni to access HUB partners and select jobs as an advantage of being part of your community.

Work Integrated Learning

Work that tie into learning programs can be designated in a job, reported and embedded in a profile.

Reduced Noise

Hiring is a messy, noisy, disingenous world with ghosting, resume spam, scam jobs, and more. HUB is protected from all that junk with a members only space.

Pounse HUB has a serious arsenal of search tools for your whole class of talent

Source, find and connect with talent

Find talent with keywords, categorized by department or team, and verifications. See skills, experience, samples and pitches all in the same view before digging deeper.

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Invite, collaborate, showcase

Work with students on their career profile and introduce their profiles to partners and hiring managers. They will see video pitches, samples, skills, experiences and more on your HUB. It's a beautiful presentation that digs into potential so much faster than a stack of resumes, and is less risky/noisy than competing with 990,000,000 LinkedIn profiles for attention.

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Pounse HUB contains a unique way of showcasing students that hiring managers love
Your Pounse HUB will be designed however you like, with access and visibility set by your school.

A safe space to engage

Schools, colleges and trade programs can engage, collaborate and showcase both students and employers in a closed off space called their HUB.

From profiles, to intertwined stories of potential, HUB is a dynamic, modern and refreshingly human-centric tool to launch student careers.

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Transparency & Feedback

Hiring companies on Pounse can turn on feedback and status toggles to engage candidates with a comment, a question and even advice to improve their profile. Imagine that, being able to ask a question before the first interview.

On Pounse HUB, hiring partners can toggle whether they are transparent or not.Get Started
Your HUB partners, who have an account, will enjoy a variety of tools including the ability to connect with students who apply, and ask follow up questions without having to wait for the first interview.
Pounse HUB comes with free profiles for students.

An empowering profile

Students can create a profile that is guided, dynamic, with quantified skills, verified experiences, intertwined stories and a video pitch all in a UX superior space. Students can keep their profile far after they've graduated as they climb their career ladders, and it will always be free.

Your students can connect directly with employers and jobs on your HUB or venture on their own and share their profile with employers from within Pounse.

It was designed to live up to it's name and pounce.

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Authenticity in Jobs

Job profiles can be quite dry with a laundry list of  requirements and benefits. But a 20 second video can introduce the human side of a company in a way that draws in JUST the right students.

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On Pounse HUB you can host jobs with video pitches, something that drives up student engagement.
Pounse HUB comes with free profiles for students.


Your HUB lets you configure everything from your HUB site name to each profile element. You choose how you want to put your talents best foot forward.

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